Future Students
Admission to Program Requirements
Dental Assisting Information Packet (TBA)
Dental Assisting Program Application
Admission to the Dental Assisting program is selective, with registration in the Dental Assisting courses by permission only. To be considered for acceptance into the program, applicants must submit all required application information posted in the Dental Assisting Information Packet. Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the Dental Assisting program.
Admission Requirements:
- Full admissions to Grayson College (status must be admitted).
- Completed Dental Assisting Program Application
- Meet one or more of the following admission criteria:
- High School class ranking of 50% or higher
- GED score of 150-161 or higher
- High School Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher
- College Transcript Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher
- Texas Success Initiative (TSI) complete in Reading or Writing
- Completed General Education courses for the AAS degree: ENGL 1301 or Pysc 2301 with a minimum grade of "C" or better.
Steps to Apply
- Apply to Grayson College
- Apply online at www.grayson.edu
- Select Dental Assisting as your Major
- Contact the Admissions Office at 903-415-2596 or admissions@grayson.edu for assistance.
- Applicants are required to be fully or conditionally admitted to be considered for the dental assisting program
Please Note: if you are already a Grayson student you do not need to reapply. You will need to change your Major to Dental Assisting if you have not already done so. You can change your Major by contacting your Success Coach.
- Apply to the Dental Assisting Program:
- Submit the Dental Assisting Application to dental@grayson.edu
The Dental Assisting Program accepts one class each fall. Applications are accepted
December 1 st – August 1 st with the recommended submission date before June 1 st every
Applications received before June 1st will get priority in the program. Students who
have submitted their application before June 1st will be sent acceptance letters by June
7th. Applications will continue to be accepted until August 1st or all 24 spots are filled.
The program admits the first 24 complete and eligible applications. Enrollment is limited
to accepted applicants. A waitlist is put in place after the 24 positions are filled.
Selection and Acceptance Procedure
Once an application is received the application will be reviewed to verify the application is complete
A courtesy email will be sent to students letting them know their application is complete or missing any documentation. If documentation is missing the email will include the missing information. It will be up to the student to submit the missing information prior to the priority deadline of June 1 s. (If applying before the priority deadline).
Applications will be reviewed for required documentation by the Dental Assisting Admissions Committee during the five days immediately following the deadline. Only those with complete files will be considered for priority admission. Complete files will be accepted in the order they are received. The first twenty-four students with complete files will be accepted into the program.
Candidates will be notified of their acceptance status via official Grayson email within five days of the deadline.
Applicants must respond to the acceptance email to accept their position in the program by the deadline indicated. Applicants who respond before the deadline spot will be saved. Applicants who respond after the deadline will be in jeopardy of loosing their spot in the program.
Applications will continue to be taken until August 1 st . A waitlist will be put in place after the first 24 spots are accepted and confirmed.
Final Acceptance Requirements (Following notification of acceptance)
- Attend the mandatory orientation
- Become Healthcare Provider CPR Certified
- Complete documentation of required immunizations (scheduled through GC approved company)
- Pass a criminal background check (scheduled through GC approved company)
- Pass drug screen (scheduled through GC approved company)
- Complete a Pre-entrance physical exam (to be completed on the GC Physical Form by a approved medical professional)
Required Immunizations
All applicants accepted into the dental assisting program will be required to have the listed immunizations. Do Not submit immunizations or health records with your application. However, it is HIGHLY recommended that applicants begin the process of obtaining these records and getting any missing vaccinations. Please note that some of these immunizations take up to six months to complete. Immunizations must be started in time to complete the series before the start of the program. During orientation, the accepted applicants will receive instruction on how to subscribe and upload documents into an immunization and health records tracking program.
Required by the Dental Assisting Program:
- TETANUS/DIPHTHERIA/PERTUSSIS (Tdap): (Immunization) One dose of Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Tdap) immunization within the last 10 years (DTAP or TD not accepted).
- MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA (MMR): (Immunizations or blood test) 2 doses.
- VARICELLA (Chickenpox): (Immunization or blood test) 2 doses.
- HEPATITIS B (3 dose series) or Heplislav B (2 dose series): (Immunization or blood test) Takes 1-4 months to complete.
- INFLUENZA VACCINE: Annual influenza vaccination with the most up-to-date strains predicted on the basis of viral surveillance data is required.
Required by the college:
- MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE: All on-campus college students who are under the age of 22 must have the meningococcal vaccination within the previous 5 years and at least 10 days prior to the first day of class.
All on-campus college students who are under the age of 30 must have the meningococcal vaccination within the previous five years and at least 10 days prior to the first day of class.
Due to compliance with clinical facility requirements and Texas Department of Health recommendations, GC Health Science programs may not waiver immunization requirements for any reason. If immunizations are not complete, application to the program must be delayed.
Copies of records from physician’s offices, public health department, public schools, other colleges and the military are acceptable. Students should provide a copy of the records. Please do not turn in the originals
Transfer of college Coursework
Students who desire admission via transfer to GC must adhere to the GC course transfer policies outlined in the GC Catalog. This includes submitting official copies of transcripts from each college or university previously attended to the Office of Admissions and Records and a copy of the transcripts to the Dental Assisting program. The office of Admissions and Records will not send a copy to the Dental Assisting program. Prerequisite courses for the certificate program and co-requisite general education courses for the Associate Degree program will be accepted for transfer and application toward the Associate of Applied Science in Dental Assisting if the course is evaluated as equivalent to the required course at GC. At this time GC Dental Assisting does not admit students with advanced standing.
Student Handbook and Course Syllabi
For more information about the program, please click on the links below to view the Student Handbook and Course Syllabi.